Saturday, September 19, 2009

"Jennifer's Bore-dy"

This is what one review had to say about Diablo Cody's latest cinematic work:
Still, the movie introduces a little rrriot grrrl-y feminism to a genre that for too long has been predicated on female victimization. Kusama ("Girlfight") handles the structural imperatives with solid timing and occasional panache. And between all the compulsive punning and look-at-me snarkitude, Cody manages to create moments of genuine humor.
To which I say: horseshit. This movie sucked. I want those 2 hours back. I feel awful that my husband paid $7.50 for my ticket to see this "it's been done, and it's been done better" horror-wannabe flick that doesn't even make me remember how much I hated high school. Oh yeah, it's THAT BORING.

As much as I adored "Juno," I hated "Jennifer's Body." That'll teach me to go see a matinee on a gorgeous sunny day in September when I should've been on my patio with a tropical drinkie-poo and a book. Humph.

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