Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Let 'er rip!

My return from Korea was less painful than previous bouts with jet lag and reverse culture shock. I've spent the last week and a half recovering, figuring, writing, reading, and sleeping. I go back to work at TC3 next week, and the week after that my class at I.C. will start up. This semester's schedule promises to be more sane than last semester's, allowing me to devote more time to writing (and also derby!).

A few reflections, in no particular order:

1. Characters or at least their desires need to be in jeopardy. Always.
2. Conflict means nothing without connection. It's the tension between those two opposites, the yin and yang of them, that makes good drama.
3. Meditation helps me to write better; it's great practice for focusing.
4. TV writing is like breathing air on another planet. I think I like it, though.
5. Writing excellent scifi or speculative fiction requires more than creative thinking. It requires research.

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