Thursday, November 17, 2011

Exhausted and Grumpy

Not the best combination, but it's where I find myself this evening. Started a new temp job that should last a week and a half-ish. Then I really have to buckle down and get my cover letters and resumes out. As soon as the holidays are over I'm back to L.A. and gotta be ready to hit the ground running. Lots of work to do before now and then.

Thanksgiving is a week from today, which itself was a shocking realization for me this afternoon, and which lit the fire under my ass to take my time management more seriously (vis a vis heading back to L.A. on Jan. 5).

So, it's time to make plans for the Feast of the Cranberry (my new name for it), since I no longer eat meat.

Here's my plan:
  • Roasted Cornish game hen for meatasaurus husband (yes, we're separating and I'm still cooking for him).
  • Smashed potatoes
  • Corms (aka corn)
  • Sweet potats and cranberry cassarole
  • Squish (freshly baked squash, not that frozen orange square you dump into a pot and watch melt into orange puree)
  • Quinoa with cranberries and pecans (pronounced "keen-wah," this is a grain with complete protein)
  • Apple pie (not made from scratch - have you seen how small my kitchen is?)
I've decided Christmas supper will be my lasagna and a salad, with some kind of English puddingy thing (no blood, though).

And there you have it: the holidays 2011, which I am not really looking forward to. Nevertheless, I will attempt to make them as cheery as possible, with holiday spirits. Mom's holiday spirits were usually egg nog with rum, and anisette. My brother prefers amaretto. Me, well you can just make me an Americano and booze it up.

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