Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Going back in time...

Last week I started watching Babylon 5 via Netflix, because I'd never seen the series and I hear tell they're gonna do a reboot a la Star Trek. So finally I decided to see what all the fuss was about. I'm through the first three disks (still first season), and so far I am enjoying it, despite the cheesy 90s aesthetic and computer animation from back in the day. I'm looking forward to the Bruce Boxleitner episodes. Oh, and I haven't actually read that Wikipedia link because I'm avoiding spoilers, which can be difficult fifteen years after the fact.

I can see why it was lauded as better than Star Trek: Deep Space 9 at the time. I did watch DS9, actually, and dug the the intrigue and inter-species complications and politics. Recently a friend of mine said he watched DS9 beginning to end and found it holds up over time. Funny how these shows from the 90s hold up over time.

What sci fi TV will people remember and order on Netflix in another five years? Firefly and Doctor Who are the only things that come to mind. Most of what's on these days seems lame in comparison. Too snarky, too clever (in a hipster kind of way), too simple. Maybe I'm wrong. It's only 8 a.m. and I'm not through my first cuppa, so not all pistons are firing over here.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Give me some 70s Battlestar Galactica goodness with a heaping scoop of Buck Rogers (Gil Gerard) on the side. That's what I'll be watching 5 yrs from now.

That, and the GOOD Thundercats! (Everyone into the ThunDAH Tank!)
Snarf, Snarf.
-Black jack

Elena M. Cambio said...

I rewatched the entire Battlestar Galactica a couple months ago - I still love it (except for maybe the disco capes - nah who am I kidding I love the disco capes). I also enjoyed the newer version, until the last episode, that is.

Buck Rogers - I dunno. Princes Ardala is a little much for me to take these days.

The reboot of Doctor Who from 2005 to the present has been awesome, I have to say. I'll gladly watch these again.

Yo Joe!