Friday, November 25, 2011

I seem to have lost my mojo. Sails flat. Keg empty.

Please send good thoughts, wind, and rum.

That is all.


Elena M. Cambio said...

Black Jack, I am smiling ear to ear. Am keeping that one in my email for now. To be honest, Rum is my Jekyll & Hyde drink. I'm better off with cider or whiskey. But Rum is a lottttt of fun, I'll say that much. I usually end up dancing on the bar after the 3rd mai tai.

Elena M. Cambio said...

The mint chicken sammiches ring a bell, but I have no clear memory. sorry! Tell me the story.

A lot of my memory has been wiped out. I think I must have strayed too near an electromagnet at some point...

Elena M. Cambio said...

BJ - Email me so we can converse proper-like.

I don't remember a lot of things, so please don't take it personally that I don't remember the Peppermint Cafe. I think it has to do with trauma, not with whether people or places are important. My childhood best friend and my own brother remember things that I have absolutely no memory of. Anyway, email meeeee!