Thursday, November 24, 2011


I know I've done a lot of kvetching on this blog lately. It is good to vent spleen with a touch of humor, but it's also good to be still, humble, and give thanks. I am thankful for:

  • Dharma and my Sangha
  • Spaz Kitteh
  • Being a writer
  • My brother and his wife
  • My nephew, his wife, and my 3 lieblings
  • My girls: JEB and her little girl, Jenny, Rachel, Janet, Mel
  • Reconnecting with Black Jack and Will this year
  • Barry White
  • My Rochester friends who have sustained me in difficult times
  • My husband's sense of humor
  • The $45 Trinitron that is allowing me to watch the Macy's Marketing Day Parade in stereo (I loves me a marching band)
  • Lessons learned
  • Being vegetarian
  • Cranberries
  • My unwritten life in L.A.
  • My family in New York
  • Ithaca College and R.I.T.
  • The sun (without which life would not exist)
  • TRON
  • Dreaming
  • Rod Serling
  • Mom and Dad
The holiday season has traditionally been tough for me, but this year even more so. I expect I'll be returning to this list for comfort and adding to it in the coming month.

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