Sunday, November 13, 2011

Walk the Walk

Okay, technically it's tomorrow, but I'm still awake since the morning of the 12th, so we're gonna call this safe.

It's late, so I'll keep it simple: this week I started relearning how to walk. No really. After several ankle/knee injuries, plantar faciaitis (or as I like to call it, planter's fascists), flat feet, heel spur and lots of pain, my massage/Reiki therapist helped me to realize that I've been standing and walking with my right hip cocked back. Meaning, essentially, that I've been walking around with my right leg not really working the way it was designed to. So for the last week I've been walking with more body awareness, doing specific exercises for core strengthening, and paying attention to where my hips and feet are.

How many of us take for granted that we are healthy in body and mind? Here's something I never thought I'd have to pay attention to. Walking. I mean, I've been doing it since I was two, right?

Mom and me on a lovely summer day

Somewhere along the way, stress and a kind of personal disassociation or disintegration resulted in this bizarre contortion that basically kept the entire right side of my body from functioning properly.

I'm sure the Jungians out there are already taking notes, not to mention the Freudian yahoos gawking at the mother-daughter relationship in the photo. But you know what? I don't care how it happened or why it happened. I'm just relieved that I'm on the path to healing. Who knows, maybe one day I will even be able to ice skate again. Or even roller skate!


Anonymous said...

One of the sweetest, most heart warming photos I have ever seen. Seems like moms never really let go of those little hands that don't really want to be let go of. BTW, great "Agent 99" headband on your mom! Barbara Feldon would be proud.

Black Jack

Elena M. Cambio said...

Thanks, Black Jack. I wish I could wear my hair like that. Headbands give me headaches and interfere with my glasses.

I miss my mom every day.