Monday, December 26, 2011

My Christmas Miracle

The last couple of days I've been wishing fervently that somehow I can bring my Spaz on the plane with me to L.A. Because I'd waited so long to try to make arrangements, the connecting flight to L.A.'s "cat-pacity" (capacity) of carry-on kitties had been reached at 2. I called twice more in case someone with a cat had canceled. Then over the weekend there was an incident that hit home for me - she has to come with me.

Last night I prayed to God (which I rarely do, these days) to please make it possible for her to come with me. This morning as I was playing with her, I had a sudden, strong urge to call Delta again. So I did - and lo and behold - Delta's changed their cat-pacity from 2 to 4. So we're in! Spaz will soon be lounging in the sunshine with me, though I wonder how she'll do with the indoor/outdoor kitty to primarily indoor kitty transition. There is a fenced-in backyard where I can take her, but under my supervision, of course. I bought her a harness quite awhile ago and she didn't like it, but perhaps this is something she can get used to so we can continue to do our walking in L.A.

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