Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Tater Tots with their Eyes All Aglow

Yes, this is Christmas. Well, we're getting there, anyway.

Today I dug into the closet and pulled out the Christmas decorations I planned to put up this year. I no longer do a tree - it's way too small in here, and anyway I'm the only one who does any decorating. It's a lot of work for one person to put it all up and take it all down again. I used to put up a 6 foot fake tree, then went to a 2-foot table tree, and now I just put up a holly garland with ribbon and lights over the fireplace. I put a couple special items out - like the ceramic St. Nick my mother made many years ago, and a cranberry-scented candle with a wreath that was Mom's.

I also put up "The Jingle Bells." It's older than I am, in pretty rough shape, despite Mom's and my attempts at sprucing it up over the years, and the music box is starting to sound its age, but I love it just the same. So many memories of Christmas at 624 Forest St., Rockland, Mass.

For the record, there are Christmas songs I cannot hear lest I go all to pieces. "I'll Be Home for Christmas," (esp. Frank Sinatra's), "Island of Misfit Toys" (I will absolutely bawl in the middle of a store if this comes on), and "Ave Maria" are the worst. I can only handle them in certain circumstances and environments.

I'm working on finding the cheer of the season. The decorations help, and so does Pandora: Bing Crosby (holiday) station. I don't have many traditions left to me, so I am working on creating my own. One that I have not let go of is the Christmas Lasagna. No matter where I am, I do a lasagna. This year it'll be vegetarian, of course. Oh, won't it be grand!

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