Thursday, January 12, 2012

Late to the party...

But at least I'm here... watching Babylon 5, which, incredibly is 15 years old. I'm part-way through season 2, and I am really impressed with its "novel for television" storytelling. The Battlestar Galactica reboot owed A LOT to B5. The drag is waiting for Netflix to get me the next disc. Last night I watched 3 episodes and killed half a bottle of wine. This morning I polished off the 4th episode on the disc (I bet you thought I was gonna say I polished off the other half of the wine, din't you?)

ADDENDUM: In searching for an appropriate B5 photo, I came across a spoiler I didn't want to see. Do you know how hard it is not to cross paths with spoilers from a show that was aired 15 years ago? Drats!

I will be spending my afternoon with more job searching, which I did all day yesterday until my eyeballs were hanging out of their sockets. Online job searching is hellish, people, I'm here to tell you this fact. Cover letters are even worse. It's like trying to write a persuasive argument about why they should hire me, only it's in code, but I have to guess at the code, which by the way is different for every company. Then there's the whole "do I take 3 days to write the perfect cover letter, thus only applying for 2 jobs per week, or do I tweak a basic cover letter that may not be perfect to get it out in half a day, which = 2 applications per day?" I've been opting for the latter, because a) I ain't got time and b) I know from experience that I could chase down the "perfect" letter for weeks with umpteen revisions, and it would never be done. (Sorta like George Lucas rehashing the Star Wars movies for 30 years.)

I want one.

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