Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Settling in

I've got a routine down, and Spaz is getting used to being more of an indoor kitteh. I realized yesterday I haven't even been here 2 weeks. I really do expect a lot out of myself and my circumstances; I have to remember that as Don put it, "Slow and steady wins the race."

I now have a local phone number, which was necessary because apparently no one will even consider you for a job if you have a weird area code like, say, 607. They want to know you live in town to start ASAP, I guess. Seems stupid, as many people retain cell numbers when they move and it doesn't mean they don't live here. But that's how it is, so there you go.

Work on Black Doves is moving apace; I aim to have the first draft completed by end of the month. I have a new idea for a screenplay waiting in the wings; currently doing some research to get notes going for that when the deck is clear.

But it's not all writing and job searching! Last weekend, my friend TL took me to the Santa Monica pier. We walked around, took in the people watching extravaganza, rode the giant ferris wheel (had a little bit of height-induced vertigo but shook it off after a minute), then went for supper at a Cuban restaurant not far from my apartment. I love L.A.!