Sunday, January 8, 2012

West Coast Style

I haven't quite processed the fact that I live in L.A. Perhaps that will happen when I get a job. For now, though, my apartment is lovely, my roommate is wonderful, and my Spaz kitty is adjusting quite well. Her need to go outside all the time seems to be replaced with sitting in windows for hours every day. I was so worried she wouldn't make the transition, but she's a trooper and I am so grateful that she's with me. Here she is lounging in my room. Notice the sunshine pouring in through the window.

I'm mentally and emotionally exhausted, and I ended up with a cold by the time I landed in L.A. Thursday night. My last day in Ithaca wasn't at all what I wanted it to be, but it's all behind me now. Moving forward. Or at least, allowing myself time to rest and get my bearings before I charge full steam ahead.