Saturday, March 10, 2012

And behind door #3...


Okay, let's be realistic. It's more like this:

It's weird to get up on a Saturday morning and say to one's self, "Today I buy a car." And it's weirder to go out to the very first dealership one researched and buy the first car one test drives. Cause you're not supposed to do that. But the stars aligned, and this Toyota Camry is exactly what I was looking for. Price, mileage, transmission, condition. The best part is the stereo. I'll have to take some photos of this - it's most definitely NOT factory issue is all I can say for now. That'll be a future post.

It's definitely a "boy car." Any suggestions for names? Currently thinking of Marlon. The stereo interface is very Battlestar Galactica, so "Baltar's Basestar" might work. There's also Benedict (as in, Dirk Benedict, or Benedict Cumberbatch).
Come to think of it, Cumberbatch basically has the same coloring as my car.

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