Thursday, April 19, 2012

Casting attractive, opinionated women who live a fabulous, luxury lifestyle

This gem came across my email today in one of the many listservs I'm on. I've got the first two down pat, but still working on that last bit.

The last couple of weeks have been whirl-windy. I finished my newest script last Monday (what a rush that was - 3 weeks flat!), cleaned my house on Tuesday, had an overnight guest on Wednesday (Rachel from Back East), then she left Thursday morning and that very same night I drove to LAX to pick up the husband. He spent a week here, and we had a glorious time at Disneyland, driving around all my new haunts (Crazy Russian Grocery Store, Starbucks down the street, and of course, St. Jude's church on Sunday).

I also took him to the Griffith Park Observatory, and while it was closed, it was a clear enough day for him to get the full effect of the view in every direction (including the Hollywood sign). Monday we took care of our taxes (ugh...don't even... ugh) and Tuesday we took a train up to Ventura for the day.

I've decided when I make my first mil, I'll be living my fabulous, luxury filled life in Ventura. Ventura has the quaintness of a New England Main Street, the history of the Old West (via a Spanish Mission), incredible beaches and surfing (we watched the surfers for a couple of hours), and a truly laid back vibe. It really is everything they say it is. There were no Ted Neeley sightings (he lives somewhere around Ventura, allegedly), but because I'm obsessive, we did find the Rubicon Theatre Company (I'm going to write a play for them, though they don't know it, yet).

I'll post photos once I load and sort them, so for now you'll just have to trust me that it's been a great week.

And I now have added three more projects to the Master List Pipeline (projects in the works). I'm going to write a play about Mary Magdalene, a TV movie script based on my short story "Dream Job," and a TV spec script for "The Mentalist" (because a. I have to have one of those in my quiver and b. I know the Mentalist well enough and it's easy enough that I can bang it out relatively quickly).

In other news, my roommate has returned from England and is still combating jet lag. It's great to have her home. It helps to return things to normalcy for me. The 2 weeks solo here were incredibly productive for me, spiritually and creatively, and it was wonderful to visit with Rachel and my husband, but now I gotta get back to reality. It's good to have a roommate who is solid as a rock and who can laugh with me (as opposed to at me).

Part of my reality is that I'm going to have to get serious about finding a "real" job here. Time and money are running out. I'm trusting there's something for me out there that is awesome, and I'm trusting I will find it. I'm ready.

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