Wednesday, May 30, 2012

30 Days of Appreciation - Day 11

Instead of lists of 10 things, etc., I'm going to spend some time elaborating on one thing I appreciate per post.


It's so easy to become isolated, especially with teh internets, which fool us into thinking we're connected, we know what's going on, we're having relationships with people, etc. I am eternally grateful for my roommate, Sarah, who has proved more of a companion and friend than I would have expected, given the fact that we'd only ever met each other once, and briefly, before I moved in. We have discovered many similarities and complementary differences between us that allow us to operate in the apartment as a well-oiled machine. Her graciousness, hilarity, artistic soul, and excellent cooking have created such a wonderful living environment for me. I treasure her companionship and the healing that has taken place as a result of her friendship.