Snark. Or, Snark. If only we had more of the latter and less of the former. Snark is everywhere. It's cool to be snarky. The more sarcastic you are, the more witty, clever, hipper and awesomer you are. If you can get the digs in with a super-superiority and ultra-arched eyebrow, you're golden. There are ka-billions of blogs, web shows, TV programs, magazines and media I probably don't even know exist that are dedicated to people getting their rocks off at other people's expense via sarcasm. And you know what? That really makes me sad.
When did we become so unsure of ourselves that we had to resort to clever insults as a means of expressing ourselves? In the past, sarcasm has been used for social commentary, and to that end, it has a place. But that's not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about mean-spirited personal commentary that has one purpose: to make someone feel better about him or herself by slamming people s/he doesn't know, doesn't like, or feels threatened by. This takes bullying to a whole... 'nutha... lev-ell.
Don't know what I'm talking about? Google "snark blog" and see what pops up. And you'll also see Google's gracious offer of related search terms to get you even more snark!
See, I don't mind a bit of sarcasm. It can be funny, if placed just so, and used sparingly. But truthfully, people need to get over their damn selves and realize they're not the only people in the world with opinions that clash with other people's opinions. Not everyone can be as smart as us smart people, n'est pas? I've been snarky from time to time, though I try to be mindful of it, because with its pervasiveness in our culture, it's often the first place my mind goes. It's not what I want for my default setting.
I'm saddened by our culture's canonization of snark because it's just one more way via faceless media that we are becoming separated from each other. It's just one more wedge between us and the compassion that ties us together and requires us to respect each other. Do we need to get along all the time? Of course not. Will we always agree? Hells naw. Will some of us instantly dislike others of us, sometimes for no apparent reason? That's how our psychology seems to roll. But to willfully, purposefully and for our own aggrandizement slice people up with the Stiletto of Snark is judgmental, anti-social, anti-person, and is one more way we are decaying from the inside out.
Am I exaggerating? I don't think so. Turn up your Snark-o-Meter and see what's going on. Essentially, we've become one giant classroom of bullies and mean girls. How can we expect our kids not to engage in this behavior when our entire culture has embraced it?
"Heathers" |