Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Shake, Rattle and Try Not to Roll

I have experienced my first SoCal earthquake. There have been quite a few since I moved here, but I've slept through them all. Last night there was a 4.4 and an aftershock, and I missed them both because I was sitting on the floor at the time. But this morning around 9:30, I was lying on the bed reading, and the bed started swaying. I thought to myself "Either this is a quake or I'm about to levitate off the floor."  Sure 'nuff, it was a 4.1. USGS There have been two more since this morning, but on the first floor of the building, I haven't felt them. I would rather a number of small quakes let off some tension than have one big mega destruct-o-quake. But as my roommate put it, let's hope these are "buffet quakes" and not "appetizers."  :s