Sunday, June 8, 2014

Pentecost, Holy Trinity, Corpus Christi

My, my, my how time flies. The school year has ended, all my work is done. Tomorrow I leave for two splendid weeks of discernment, living in a Carmelite monastery in San Diego, across these three beautiful feasts of the Church. Can it be true? How did I get here? I hardly know... except to say by the magnificent, grandiose, spoil-me-rotten grace of God. I have specifically been asking to know the Holy Spirit more intimately. Holy Spirit is, to my mind, "the mover and the shaker" in the Trinity. The Father is Creator and Being, Jesus Messiah is Redeemer and Rest, and it is in His Body that I rest. So we have upcoming: Pentecost Sunday, Holy Trinity Sunday, and the Feast of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi). In fact it was exactly one year ago on Trinity Sunday that I first went to to the Carmel to visit - Carmel of the Most Holy Trinity.

Come, Holy Spirit, come!
The past year was really rough - those girls got to my heart and I ached and I spilled my guts for them. But in the end, it was worth it. They have now what they didn't have at the beginning of the year: a chance to think and write and create. There were even a few creative writers in the group. At least two of the girls had close calls with self harm. One of them has some significant learning disability and other issues at home. They got As and Bs after starting out the year with Fs. These girls just blew me away. I am in awe of them, and I am humbled that I was given charge of one small part of their academic and precious human lives.

Projects have come and gone in the year since I started teaching them, but I have a larger project, so to speak. That is to say, my life. Where is God leading me? These next two weeks will provide some insight. I am feeling calm and at peace about all of this. The shift inside me since Easter has been tremendous. I would like to share more of it, but right now I do need to hit the hay. Leaving for San Diego at 8:30 a.m. which means I have to have at least one cup of coffee before I hit the road.

I will be keeping a journal while I am there, and when I return, I will actually have time for blogging a bit more in summer, so I can share some of my thoughts and experiences. In the meantime, please pray for me, and I will be praying for you.

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