Wednesday, May 30, 2018

A Litany to Freedom

Lord, deliver me from all that robs me of freedom and interior peace.

Freedom from enslavement to my fears
- not being good enough
- being poor
- being abandoned

Freedom from enslavement to my cravings
- food beyond nourishment
- comfort instead of fulfilling responsibilities
- distraction instead of openness to God's will in my life

Freedom from enslavement to the demands of the world
- busy busy busy busy busy busy busy
- money money money money money money money

Freedom from enslavement to status and power
- gotta look good for others to judge
- can't let anyone get the drop on me
- gotta be in control
- can't be caught looking foolish

The enemy plies each and every one of these fears against me.
Lord, deliver me from evil.
Grant me freedom to embrace you in my daily life, the life of moments.

Freedom to do what I ought
- righteousness in the sight of the Lord
yah, not my own righteousness
the righteousness of Jesus Christ who transforms me
with His Body and Blood
- fearlessness in the face of persecutions

Freedom to be myself with you, O Lord
- no masks, no pretend saintliness
- no lies about what I do and how my life
impacts the lives of others
- accepting responsibility for my choices

Freedom to GIVE IT ALL to you, O Lord.
The good, the bad and the ugly. Also the beautiful and the sincere.
The tender and the gruff. The falling down and the getting back up.

Freedom to look at you, Jesus, not at my own faults and failings.
For therein lies true freedom and your Peace beyond all understanding:
Not that I have loved you, but that you have loved me.

Paper chains, indeed.

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