Saturday, June 4, 2022

33rd Anniversary of Tiananmen Square

Today I prayed my Rosary specifically for the conversion of China. The tyranny of Communism includes the destruction not just of ideas, but of people.  Human rights are trampled on, and history is rewritten. I recall my former Chinese students explaining patiently to me that they knew their government was censoring news and other forms of media, but that the government is there to protect them, like a parent.
The notion that free flowing information was stopped up, censored, rewritten and repackaged held no repugnance for them.  

For these young minds, having been wholly formed in this way, I pray.  I pray that the dignity of the human person regains its place over the supreme power of the State. I pray that freedom of religion and self-expression will find a place in China one day. I pray for Cardinal Zen of Hong Kong, who was arrested for his pro-democracy efforts and faithfulness to the Gospel.

Since childhood, I have been attracted to and fascinated by the history, language and culture of China.  I count myself extremely blessed to have been able to teach and travel there in 2004, including a surreal visit to Tiananmen Square, where no one seemed to know (or care) about what had taken place there.  I will remember this date not only for what happened there in 1989, but as a reminder to hope for the future of the Chinese people, and by extension, the world. 

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