Saturday, July 9, 2022

T'ai Chi Movement

This morning, my T'ai Chi instructor, Binh, asked me to help with teaching the absolute beginner section of the class. I've been working with him for the last year in private to fine tune my form and become ready to teach. I only had the group for a few minutes this morning, but it was humbling and a true honor. Talk about pressure! But I absolutely loved it. One of the other advanced students joined us so that the beginner students could have someone at the front and back of the class to follow, which was very helpful.

I never thought when I started taking T'ai Chi (again, for what, the fourth time in my life?) that I would be able to teach, myself. Of course, I'm only teaching the first part (part one of three in the Yang style long form).  But it's a tremendous honor, and I feel accomplished in this. 

One of the ways I committed to this path of study last year was to order a couple of T'ai Chi uniforms. It actually helps my focus when I'm not just wearing a ratty t-shirt and sweat pants. I've just ordered my fifth uniform, in fact, although two of mine have been with someone to make alterations. I have only two at this point, and really only one of them is suitable for the warm summer months.  The long and short of it is that wearing that outfit helps me to focus and move out of the every day same-same mindset. It's also easy to move in the uniforms, created as they are to be unrestrictive and flowing.

It's interesting how clothing can affect our behavior and mindset. I've heard actors talk about how a costume really helps him or her define the character, for example. And the "old fashioned" idea of wearing a uniform to school actually makes a difference in student behavior and academic success. I experience this even from dressing up to go to Mass. The "uniform" is dressing my best to offer worship to God. There is something to this as well regarding the Habit that monks and nuns wear. In part, it is a visual representation of their vows as well as an eschatological reminder. Externals do matter, in other words, although they certainly are not everything.

Regardless of the uniform, I'm very grateful for the opportunity to learn and teach T'ai Chi, and I'm hoping this continues to develop. Right now my teacher and I are on the hunt for T'ai Chi sword instructors in the area. Wouldn't that be something!

Here's a vid of my instructors' sifu (teacher/master), Dave, doing Part 1:

God bless you.

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