Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Change of season

I think I'm headed into a new season (aside from winter, that is). I feel like I'm working toward a more forward-thinking, inspired phase rather than a sad, sentimental longing for what's passed. Because, you know...

I have to admit, these warm temps and sunshine really help. I've always known I have a severe sensitivity to the lack of sun and Vit. D. I had started to slump into the bleak, depressed state that always comes over me in late fall (and lasts for six months). Thankfully, this superlative high pressure system with temps in the 50s and 60s and bright sun this week has been the shot in the arm I really needed to remind me of what I'm working towards. Eyes on the prize and all that. I long to be in sunny southern Cali. Imagine never having seasonal depression again!

So I'm headed to Rochester this afternoon to attend an alumni networking event at R.I.T. (where I did my MFA in film). I'm going with resumes and business cards in hand, and I'll try to establish a contact or two in L.A. I'll also get to see some friends in the 'Chester I don't get to see often, and tomorrow I'll have dinner with a friend from R.I.T. I literally havn't seen in years. Like I can't remember the last time I saw him. If I can, I'll squeeze in a visit to the Eastman House (which I've NEVER BEEN TO shame on me) tomorrow before I meet with the career counseling lady in the afternoon. Who, by the way, is the SAME WOMAN I remember talking to 13 years ago when I graduated and wasn't sure what I was doing. I don't remember her being very helpful, but I think that was probably more me than her, given who I was and what I was about 13 years ago.

I'm hitting the road in less than three hours, so I best get to steppin'.

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