Friday, November 4, 2011

A list of things that just shouldn't be:

1. 29-year old tubby co-workers who live at home with mom & dad, kind of want to go to grad school for something but don't want to deal with taking the GRE, evoke every D&D-playing, Star Trek-watching negative stereotype you've ever seen, and who hit on the (married albeit in the process of separating from her husband) temp receptionist (after divulging all these winning qualities). And who are temps, themselves.

That's it, actually. I just wanted to point out that if you're 100 lbs overweight and fit the above description, you really need to rethink your life plan. Get some help. Join a cult, maybe?

Yes, this is what happened to me this week at the awesome temp job I was raving about earlier. To be fair, the job is still great, the REST of the people at the office are cool, especially the one with the major candy craving, but I also have to deal with the afore-mentioned loser who is now giving me the brush off whenever I happen to be in the same room (like I care). But here's where I have to quote The Miz: "Really? REALLY?"

Now here's the thing, people. I have long been a supporter of nerd-dom. As we know, I am one, myself. Always have been. And I've always been a magnet for nerd boys, because I'm a nice person, I talk to them when often no one else will, and I often like some of the same stuff. Since 8th grade I've had to put up with the dregs of nerd-dom asking me to school dances and calling my house at odd hours (sorry, Mom, but you did raise a nerd, so you really have no one to blame but yourself). Honestly, I haven't had to deal with this kind of thing since junior high and high school, so it's both annoying and a terrible reminder of the worst 6 years of my life. Thanks a lot, Captain Jerk.

And I would like to point out, in case anyone is feeling sorry for the nerd boy, that my husband and I haven't even inked the separation agreement, Christ we're STILL LIVING TOGETHER. So again I ask: Really? REALLY?

File this one under "That Ain't Right."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, that's me! I'm the one with the candy craving....woooohoooooo got a shout out on the blog!!! I think you're pretty cool too...after all you did introduce me to charlie the unicorn. Will miss you when you leave.
Sorry you had to go through all this with the nerd-boy. He's a good guy really, he tries anyway. But yeah, not a good move.
Happy Friday, anyway!
BTW, love the blog.