Friday, December 2, 2011

Trust the Plan

Yesterday's blog post by my friend and fellow blogger Mrs. Thor put it best:
Trust the Plan
I've written a little sign for myself on my cork board that says just that. It's a difficult thing to do, sometimes, when fears and doubts and Other People's Voices start ringing in our heads.

It also sounds vaguely Cylon, complete with Head Baltar and Head Six, although their Plan didn't quite work out for them the way they'd envisioned, did it? But that's how it is with Plans. Sometimes it doesn't work out the way you had originally intended, but it seems it almost always works out in the way it needs to. The trick is to trust in this while you're going along.

Recently, I've been asked about my Plan once I get to L.A. Here it is, more or less:

1. Work P.A. jobs and connect with all the folks I know out there to find out where/when other jobs are opening.
2. Pursue project management-type jobs in addition to administrative assistant-type jobs.
3. Work with my manager friend to get the scripts I've written out there, and to develop new stories
4. Write a TV spec script
5. Continue working on novel for Powys Media

So really, I have a multi-pronged approach. Everything is an opportunity, remember? I need to make a living and pay bills, but I will also be writing, trying to generate interest in the scripts I've already written, and meeting as many people as I can.

Oh, and I have to somehow buy a car when I get there. Usually, one needs a steady job to get a car loan, and since I don't have a steady job waiting for me (as of now), this will be an interesting challenge to meet. I will probably have to rent something at first, like I did last time I suppose, but it feels like an awful waste of money. If you have any thoughts on this, please feel free to share them. This is one part of my Plan I don't have figured out, yet.

P.S. I just had a raging deja vu here. Weirrrrrd.

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