Sunday, January 29, 2012

It's already been a week since my last post! How did that happen?

Let's see if I can recap the week. Well, I did end up taking a break from pounding the cyber-pavement, because I really needed some time to collect myself, ground, and refocus in a positive way. I found myself being too strung out and worried about the wrong things to create a productive "go with the flow" approach to building my next career move (notice how I don't say "find a job").

I went for acupuncture twice at the Eagle Rock Community Acupuncture clinic, which is part of the same national network of community acupuncture clinics as the Ithaca one I'd been going to. It was a bit different from the Ithaca clinic - a little more energized and "California" (not surprising) and less of the "calm, nurturing, womb-like" Ithaca experience. Not better or worse, just different. The acupuncturist, Valerie, is perceptive, intuitive, and man I can't feel a thing when she puts the needles in.

Unfortunately, on Thursday I had to return my rental car after 3 weeks, because I couldn't afford to keep it. So I'm without a car, which sucks in L.A., but I can get to important places on foot in my neighborhood (groceries, coffee shop, pet store, library), and I'm trying to figure out the bus route to get to acupuncture. That will be a bit of a jaunt, but riding a bus can be fun in a new city, especially in the morning during rush hour (fewer hobos on the bus at 8 a.m.). Once I get used to the stops, I can read on the bus, which beats the hell out of driving on the freeway or sitting in traffic.

Most of this week has been spent writing Black Doves and doing some introspection. Saw a couple movies: Twilight 4 in the 2nd run theatre - more on that later, and One for the Money, which was a pleasant enough diversion.

All in all, a good week - my third full week here. I will try to be more on top of blogging. Still trying to get a schedule of sorts down so that I can manage everything I need to cram into a day. But I figure, I'm allowed some wiggle room for crimminy sakes.