Saturday, February 4, 2012

One month!

Okay, it's looking like once a week is what you get, folks.

This week was quite busy. I had a job interview, but it ended up being for an office P.A. (production assistant) slot. Those jobs are typically held by recent college grads with no debt and who live in a house of 14 people so that they each only pay $250 a month in rent. And the work is grueling, with 12+ hour days (every day), $8.50 an hour, no bennies. It was good to see the inside of a production office, and I did get the connection through a rather big name in TV who I met last year, but they didn't offer it to me, anyway. But hey an interview is an interview, and I did learn a few things.

The car issue has become, well, an issue. I've been carless for over a week. I borrowed a friend's car to get to the interview, and then lied through my teeth that I had a car at said interview (P.A.s do a lot of running around and errands, generally called "running"). Good thing I didn't get it, huh?

In other big HUGE news, I finished the first draft of my Space: 1999 novel! I was all set to send it to my editor at Powys Media, but he told me to sit on it for 2 weeks, then read it and make the revisions I will no doubt want to make, THEN send it. So I'm following his advice, because he's awesome and he hasn't steered me wrong, yet.

While I'm letting the dough rise on that one, I'll get back to one of the screenplays I'd started to revise, but then set aside to get into the novel last year. Once that's done, I'll have three polished screenplays ready to go, and yet one more to revise that's been waiting around for awhile. But before I revise that older one, I need to write a TV spec script. THAT will be like learning a new language, or maybe more like learning a new dialect.

I cannot even begin to describe how much easier life is when the sun is out every morning, and I can bask in its rays first thing in the day. Even the crappy personal stuff I've had to deal with (which is getting better, bit by bit) has been made a little less harsh because I'm able to recharge my batteries every night and morning.

Spaz continues to do well, and I'm now convinced that she and Elliott are playing most of the time, even though it kind of looks like he's molesting her and she's saying "Fuck off!" in Kittese. I've noticed she doesn't really avoid him that much, and when she bats her paw at him, she's not really doing any damage. Elliott still eats her food, but not as much or as often. And these days I will often invite Elliott for a game of laser tag with Spaz (aka "cue the Pink Floyd" aka mess around with the laser pointer so that the cats go bonkers).

So, you know, I have up days and downish days, but overall I'm in way better shape than I'd been for a long time in Ithaca. Time to myself, time to navel gaze, time to redefine what it is I want for myself and to start building the scaffolding of that life. Sun, exercise, new scene and renewed friendships with old acquaintances. And being in the thick of it - creative people, film, TV, writers, etc. Tomorrow marks my one month in L.A., and I am still 100% positive that this is where I belong.