Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Happy Spring!

Stonehenge, where the demons dwell...

Perhaps the Vernal Equinox means more back East than it does here, but nevertheless, I feel the ground beneath me awakening, and it does my heart good.

I've been quite busy of late, hence not blogging so much. I've finished the sci fi script and have almost completed the outline for my next script.

I'm also excited about going to the Space: 1999 con com this September (Alpha: 2012). What was to be the usual fan-run convention has become quite a to-do thanks to the reboot Space: 2099. Jace Hall of HD films will be there to talk about the new show, and many of the luminaries from the original show will be there as well. Powys Media will have a panel with the editor and writer that I've been working with on Black Doves, and we are shooting for my book to be ready in time for the con so that they can introduce me there.

These days I have a spring in my step (pun intended) and a focus and drive that I haven't felt in, well, in forever I guess. I've gone back to acupuncture, now that I have a car, and I've been seeing other parts of L.A., such as the Griffith Park Observatory (awesome science stuff and quite a breathtaking view of L.A., the mountains, and the Pacific). I've also been going to church at St. Jude's Episcopal Church, a wonderful, vibrant parish community with a pastor who knows his stuff - homilies are not sermons on being sinners; rather, he explains the historical and cultural context of the scripture readings, which makes them so much more meaningful and accessible. And since I'm a culture and language nerd, I appreciate this approach to scripture. I'm thinking once I get a little more settled there, I may find out about joining the choir. The couple who head up the choir have been away, so when they return, I'll look forward to meeting them.

Spaz continues to do well. She and Elliott have become playmates. I'm so happy to see her being social with another kitty. She's a little hellion, though. She baits him and they get into playful scraps, then she runs under the couch and pretends to be put out. Then she sticks her paws and nose out and baits him again. I believe in human terms we'd call her a cock tease, but we're pretty sure Elliott is gay, so I guess that makes her a fag hag?

Time for more coffee, and I have to finish my outline today. I'm having a hard time with the end of the story I'm writing. Not sure how I want things to finish up. But, I'm excited about this one, so I'm sure the ending will reveal itself at some point soon.