Thursday, March 29, 2012

It's been a busy couple of weeks! I've started a new screenplay, and taken a free lance gig proofing and copy-editing a short manuscript for a local author.

I am also quite addicted to my Kindle. My brother gave it to me for Christmas of 2010, and it wasn't until last month that I started using it. I don't have room for lots of books here, so I decided to make use of this lovely device, and it has totally changed my world. Imagine bringing multiple books with you where ever you go, so that whatever you feel like reading is at your finger tips.

Most of what I have loaded on here now reflects the new direction my spiritual path has taken. Of those, the most inspiring, important, and perfectly appropriate is Without Buddha I Could not be a Christian, by Paul Knitter. He identifies himself as a "Buddhist Christian" as I have come to do, and his treatise on "crossing over" from Buddhism to Christianity is invaluable. Of special note is what he calls "The Sacrament of Silence," referring to the Buddhist meditation practice that does not use words, but rather allows for a groundlessness and openness of mind to regard all that is present. He brings this forward into a Christian context, where often lots of words and ideas are jammed into both personal and public worship/practice, not leaving room for quiet contemplation with no thought process involved. Anyway, just read the book. :)

Aside from all that, I'm almost done with the last season of Babylon 5. I was extremely irritated that the third disc was scratched to hell and I had to skip an entire episode that was unwatchable. Luckily it wasn't anything that I couldn't figure out later on in terms of story arc. I will be sad when I have finally finished watching the series, but I have so many more things to catch up on.

Speaking of which, I saw The Hunger Games last weekend. Brilliant!

Except for the camera work, which was too jittery and chaotic for me. I get what they were trying to do, but it was overboard. Not having read the books, I was blown away by the film, and I look forward to future films. Eventually I will read the books, as well. Put those on the list!

My roommate is currently in England for 3 weeks, and in 2 weeks I'll have a brief visit from my dear friend Rachel from Boston, and a week-long visit from my husband. We plan to go to Disneyland and take a train up to Ventura. It will be good to see him, reconnect, and talk about our future.

Until then, I'm taking advantage of the alone time for writing. I hope to have the first draft of my current script done by the time Rachel gets here. I realize I need these self-imposed deadlines to get anything of value done. Tic-toc!

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