Saturday, June 2, 2012

30 Days of Appreciation - Day 15

Alone Time

When you're a little kid, no one uses the phrase 'alone time.' More like 'go to your room!' or 'you're grounded' or 'we don't want to play Battlestar Galactica with you.'  (Okay, chances are, no one's ever said the latter to you, but I heard almost that exact phrase when I was little. That says a lot, actually).

My point, and I have one, is that when we're little, we hate being alone. We want to be with the grown-ups past bedtime, we don't want to take a nap, we don't want any down time. We fight down time and sleep and all the things that now, in our middle years, we would give our left kidney to have built into our day. Imagine, every day at 1:30, business shuts down so everyone can take a 30 minute nap!  What a beautiful world it would be.

This weekend, my roommate is in SanFran visiting her sister, so I have the place to myself. And it's nice to have the alone time. Not that I don't spend hours a day on my own anyway, where I am home and she's at work for 9+ hour days. But having no one around for 3 days is incredibly liberating. I feel expansive. I don't have to close my bedroom door for any reason, and I can wash the dishes when I get to them.

I will be happy to pick her up at the airport Monday night, and it'll be great to have her company in the evenings for movies, conversation, wine, yummy food, and ridiculously funny YouTube videos such as this hilarious send up of 80s fantasy/sci fi cartoons (created by a group of extremely talented undergrads):

 But in the meantime, I appreciate my alone time.