Monday, June 4, 2012

30 Days of Appreciation - what day is it?

I took a day off from blogging yesterday. I've been dealing with what I can only imagine is a histamine reaction. I suppose I should see a Doctor about it. I've got itchy patches on my face and neck. Hrrrm.

Today, I'll do a list of appreciation. Tomorrow, I'll be back with more eloquence and verbosity.
  1. Trader Joe's all-natural lotion with aloe
  2. Mystics of the Christian Tradition by Steven Fanning
  3. My fuzzy red blanket on a cool, overcast morning
  4. Lattes made at home
  5. Clean bedding minus all the cat hair
  6. Fixing my rosary with tweezers (i.e. MacGuyvering my rosary)
  7. The power of my public library card
  8. Roses
  9. Movies with Tom Hiddleston in them
  10. Burt's Bees lipbalm, aka "my lipshit"