Thursday, September 11, 2014

A season for everything

I have consciously decided not to blog for the last few weeks, because my life took a left turn that I didn't see coming, and I really wanted to see where I ended up before chronicling any sort of epic (or debacle, depending upon the outcome). Because God has blessed me, it's been epic, but anything but a debacle.

Dig it: I am now the (full time) Office Manager at Mount Calvary Catholic Cemetery in Salt Lake City, Utah.

Yes, Utah. Land of "Mormanity" as my friend PJ called it. I'm working for the Catholic Diocese here, and today was my first day on the job. Everything turned around so quickly, I'm still a little disoriented. Here's the timeline:

Aug 5 = realized I wouldn't see a paycheck from the Part Time Job #2 until Oct 1 even though I'd have started working on Aug 25. Hours at Part Time Job #1 had been cut to 12 per week for the rest of the summer. I emailed Sarah, my dear former roommate who now works on Simon's Cat over in London town (she's a 2D animator). I basically said, "I don't know what to do. God is taking away, He's make a space, but for what?"

Aug 6 = Sarah emailed back with a crazy plan: go live with (her) Mom and Dad in SLC where they are both connected in the diocese and can no doubt help me get a job here. They would help me out with room/board until I got my feet under me here, and they will provide a spiritual community that I've been craving ever since Sarah moved out last September.

I said, "yes?" and before I knew it, I had a welcome email from her father and mother, and a job interview over the phone set up for the very next day.

I decided I was going to move no matter what happened with the job at the cemetery. So I did. Donated stuff, boxed stuff, planned how to stuff my car with my junk, and said my tearful farewells to SoCal.

Aug 28 =  My good friend Tanya and I left at 4 a.m. and arrived 7:30 p.m. local time. Phew! The car did great, and so did we.

Sept 4 = I interviewed with the diocese hiring committee last Wed. after the cemetery director had already decided that I'm the one for the job (have to follow protocol, you know).

Sept 11 = Here I am, in my new job, which is beyond any expectations I could've had in a million years. Everything fell together so sublimely that if I had it all planned to the detail, I couldn't have done better. This is when a person says, "God, you must know what you're doing."

Indeed He does.

Working for a cemetery? Yes, it's a beautiful ministry that I wouldn't have chosen myself, but it's such a good fit for my skills and my natural inclinations, and the perks are amazing. Aside from having full benefits, I work in an office with the Director who likes natural light instead of overhead lights, and an open window and a ceiling fan instead of AC. He and the guys who work here (the Crew) planted a garden just outside the office where overgrown shrubs used to be. Tomatoes, zucchini, herbs, sunflowers. I get to walk the park-like grounds any time I like. And I get to drive the John Deere. Bwahahaha!

Today a woman came in looking for her father's grave; she'd never met him, and found out from a sibling that he's buried here. I used my new knowledge of how things are laid out and organized here, and I helped her. She said before leaving the office that we could never know how much this means to her. That's why I'm here, why God has placed me here: to bless me, and to bless others through my work and ministry.

My dear sisters in Carmel are excited for me to start this new venture, which will enable me to become debt free so that I can apply for entrance when the time comes. I cannot believe the amount of support and happy thoughts and prayers I have received. I am all the more motivated to do God's will and build God's Reign. Amen, Alleluia!

More soon - don't want to overwhelm one post. New parish, new ministry, huge garden at home, 2 cats who are adorbs, a new extended family. Pictures to come as well!

Last thought: never ever give up on God. God will never give up on you. Keep thanking God for all that you have, and praise Him for giving you all that you need. Open yourself up to receiving His Love. His Love is everything, does everything, heals everything.

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