Tuesday, November 29, 2011

When the skies of November turn gloomy

I spent almost the entire day at my temp job in the records room/vault filing shit-tons of paperwork that's been piling up for months. Seriously, someone should hire an efficiency consultant or something. Word on the street is they're getting a scanner to go paperless. I think that's a good idea, but that doesn't help my raw, dry fingertips and aching shoulders and neck.

Anyway, I stepped out the door at 5:00 into wind and rain, but I didn't mind, because it was still quite warm, and the air smelled clean and good. Also, the precipitation was not snow, for which I am immeasurably grateful. I got in my car, and on the drive home found "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald" on one of the many classic rock stations that dominate the middle of the dial in these parts.

How perfect, I thought. And so, if you have 20 minutes to kill, here it is, in all its live Gordon Lightfooted glory:

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