Thursday, December 1, 2011

Home sick

All that chilly vaulting has caught up with me. I don't do well in damp, stagnant, chilly air. Woke up sometime around 4:00 a.m. drenched in fever with a banging headache. Took some Advil and went back to bed until Spaz came in to snuggle with me. This was a pleasant surprise, by the way. She hasn't been coming in to snuggle with me for the last couple weeks. Of course, the snuggling didn't commence until after she'd run across my chest a few times and knocked something off the nightstand onto the floor (couldn't tell what it was).

So I'm home for the day, wrapped in a blanket. Just had my morning cuppa, but will be switching to tea. A funny thing. Whenever I'm sick, I just completely lose my taste for coffee; I only want tea. This is how I know I'm actually sick and not just grumpy.

Oh - one thing I do need to share before I forget. As I was pushing papers around my desk at work the other day, I came across a form that corrected the spelling of someone's name. The employee had crossed off the wrong spelling and re-wrote the name, with a little arrow and a note that read:
name misspelt
So I drew a line through it and wrote another arrow and note that said "mispelled."

I doubt anyone will ever see this stupid little joke, or if they do, even get that mispelled is still misspelled. My tribute to Catholic school spelling teachers will get buried in the vault and never again see the light of day.

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