Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Beautiful downtown Burbank

Okay, maybe not downtown, but definitely Burbank, and definitely beautiful.

To pick up my spirits after grappling with the personal drama of the last few days, I decided to go for a walk. I just did a 30 minute loop, but it was exactly what my mind and body needed, and I accomplished the small goal I'd set for myself in finding a little neighborhood park called "Mountain View Park," aptly named for its view of the mountains, and located not far from the mammoth- sized Griffith Park.

I am so pasty white, I glow.

So many options for landscaping here: cacti, or...

Lemon trees!

Thus far I have gotten myself and Spaz pretty well settled in, though I am still looking for a desk. I think I will be buying one used from - get this - a former student of mine, and one of the best writers I know, who has been here for a couple years but has decided to go to grad school back East. Cosi fan tutti.

Shopping has been interesting here. I now have a Ralph's card (grocery store) and a Petco card. I've shopped at Fresh and Easy, which is an all-natural, British-owned grocery store whose name sounds like it should be on a box of maxi pads. I've also hit Target, of course, in which I had my first (probably of many) experience to be mistaken for a Latina. An older lady started speaking Spanish to me, and I wasn't really paying attention at first. Then she smiled and asked me in Spanish if I spoke Spanish, at which point I smiled and said no. Then she asked me with Spanglish and gestures if I could help her get a bottle of shampoo that was high and back on the shelf (she was rather short). So I did, and she was all "thank you thank you thank you." Note to self: I gotta learn Spanish, because it is ev-ery-where.

1 comment:

MrsThor said...

I love the pictures... I didn't even enlarge them, and they hurt my eyes. I need to live somewhere sunny. :)

I'm happy for you, and thinking of you, and wishing you all the best!

Keep writing. Please.