Friday, March 25, 2016

Triduum 2016 - Good Friday

Every human being suffers. There is no escaping it. Some more than others. Some because of natural means, some because of the cruelty and neglect of other human beings. Suffering exists. 

I've written about this recently, so I won't go on and on about it here. But I want to stress one thing:

Jesus is with us in our suffering. He suffered beyond human telling. He suffered not just the physical torments of his Passion and Crucifixion, but He also suffered the inner torments (emotional, spiritual) that every person feels at various points in our lives--times a thousand. He also suffered in knowing how many would reject Him throughout time, even to this day and beyond. He saw our age as well as he saw His own, how we would continue to break His commandment of Love. And still...

He chose to suffer. He could have called on the powers of Heaven to whisk Him away. But he chose to accept this fate for you. For me. Right now, He offers you His Love. 

I won't waste time on "pious crap" as one religious Sister once put it.  But I invite you, even if you doubt, even if you don't believe, to just allow... the possibility that Jesus, God-made-Man, has Loved you with an everlasting Love, beyond all human knowing, even unto death. Ponder this possibility.

Suffering and death that look like defeat in the eyes of the world, become the victory over death, the victory that resurrects us to live in union with God. This is Love that has no bounds, no limits. And right now, you are Loved with this Love, by Love.

I will keep you all in my Good Friday prayers and observances.

Lord Jesus Christ, we adore You, here and in all your churches, because by your Holy Cross, You have redeemed the world. -- St. Francis

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