Wednesday, March 15, 2023

5 Things I Just Really Want To Say

 In no particular order:

1. God is not "the universe" nor is the universe God. God is a personal being who is defined as Love and who has revealed himself as Trinitarian: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. This community of Love begets all of creation and all life. The "universe" doesn't create itself, nor does it reward you for being a good egg or making a vision board in your home office.

2. Putting man at the center of everything and relegating everything to man's thought is tantamount to declaring war on reality. "I think, therefore I am" (the foundational battle cry of rationalism and the un-deification of the Western World) means we create ourselves and our reality, which we do not, and that the human power to understand and manipulate the created world is the Ultimate Supreme (i.e. who needs a God and all those pesky morals?). The power of the mind to understand is posited as the only marker of humanness. Rather, "I exist, therefore I think" points to a Creator (which is not us) and acknowledges the inherent dignity conferred upon every created person regardless of whether a person's mental faculties are developed (as in an pre-born baby) or decayed (as in an elderly person with Alzheimer's). Existence with its inherent dignity is owed to a Creator, not to the power of the human mind to realize itself. 

3. I am eager to enjoy raspberry Jaffa Cakes at Easter. 

4.  I am quite enjoying Korean Dramas. Thus far I have watched:  Saimdang: Memoir of Colors, Dr. Jin, Moonshine, May I Help You?, Kairos, Doctor John, and currently I'm part way through Law Cafe. 

5. I need to keep writing. Don't lose the momentum!

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