Showing posts with label hospital. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hospital. Show all posts

Monday, April 24, 2017

Bring on the green tea and cucumber stix

Hang on to your antique espresso cups... I'm weaning off coffee. Sort of. I'm down to two small cups of half-cafe in the morning and maybe a cup of green tea or fake-teabag-Folgers coffee in the afternoon if I'm desperate. (Today, I was desperate. I also had a hospital decaf latte as a reward for getting my neck x-rayed at 8:30 in the a.m.).

The thinking is that drinking less coffee/caffeine, more water, and eating no sugar will make me lose some excess fat globules. Sounds logical. I'm eating celery, carrot and cucumber sticks intstead of homing into the Business Office every afternoon where there are always snacks and left over holiday candy (you name the holiday, they've got the candy).

But going off coffee, mang. Wow. I'm like...

"Bones, what's the matter with Spock?"
"Jim, him and his pointy Vulcan ears have gone and quit coffee."
"You guys are not making this any easier."