Monday, March 11, 2013

Marching on. Get it? March?

I had my 45th birthday two weekends ago. It did feel a bit momentous, but that soon passed, because truly, age means nothing at all to me.  

Life has been busy, with spiritual retreats, Eucharistic ministry, writing, and enjoying the fabulous weather. This is a gorgeous time to live in SoCal, and I praise God that I let him lead me here, even though I had no idea in 2011 how I would get by or what would happen.

My religious vocation discernment continues. I've opened myself to a broader range of religious orders, and this seems to be affirmed in how many congregations I have recently discovered. The search continues, but in the flow rather than as a matter of project-management. Big difference, that.

My time as the interim assistant at ICLA is nearing an end. I have applied for the permanent position, but it remains to be seen what will happen. I was experiencing quite a bit of stress over this, but again I've been continually reminded to trust in God's providence. God has led me this far, and I know he is doing something with my life. It's kind of like going on an adventure. I have no idea what will happen, but I know I've got a guide, and I just need to trust him, even if it means leaping off a cliff with him!

Yesterday my roommate and I brought a picnic lunch up to Wildwood Canyon Park, which is usually less populated than Griffith Park. It's small, but it's not too far of a drive and well worth it. Sitting in the warm sun, a cool breeze, the birds singing, the smell of recently-rained-on vegetation -- I felt the breath of God, the resonance with all of creation. Truly a magnificent way to spend a Sunday afternoon. I live for those moments.

Today was a day off for the entire College, so I am home taking care of some things, including sending out a job application, and later will spend the afternoon and evening with the Sisters of Notre Dame. A perfect day off!

Praying that all of you reading have a peaceful day/evening. If you don't already do this, or haven't done it recently, take a few moments to be outside in the springtime air and let the vibrancy of creation awaken your heart.

Blessings in Christ.

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