Thursday, May 23, 2024

Springing into summer

 There is a lot to report on, friends. Let's run down the list!
  • My short film has been renamed "Souled," which fits the theme and style of the film much better than the long-standing working title Dream House.
  • "Souled" is moving right along in postproduction. I'm in the process of hiring a composer, and I've secured a fantastic sound mix man and a color correction guy. The edit is allllmost picture lock... We're very close! Also the poster is well on its way. That will appear here and everywhere else I can post it as soon as it is ready.
  • Another dream is about to become a reality! I'm headed back to Korea this September to make a pilgrimage to my former town of residence and to the holy sites of the Catholic Korean martyrs. And yes, I'm going to make a film about the experience. The project formerly known as "Korea Dreambus" is being resurrected...appropriately as a Catholic pilgrimage film. Much more on that in the coming weeks!
  • Learning Korean again! I have a book, my flashcards, and a conversation partner lined up. I can do it!  할 수 있다!
  • I'm now working solely as a staff writer at the paper, and I'm looking for freelance work to replace the circulation coordinator/administrive work that I'd been doing since last summer. This is huge. I realized after my birthday this year that I need to be done living the backup plan. So here we go! Filmmaking, writing, and other creative work. 
  • After a few days of hot summer in the middle of spring, we are back to spring, for which I'm glad, and so are my tender young plants this season.
Lamb's ear plants rescued from bulldozed scrubby woods
Cherry tomatoes from seed, grand babies from
my brother's garden 2 years ago
Green peppers grown from seeds that came
from one of my nephew's plants a few seasons ago
Lavender up front. Behind the flag are wildflowers and cosmos,
and behind that is coneflower -- all back from last year.

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